11 Sommergetränke mit Gin, die dich diese Saison kühl halten werden - Pacific & Lime

11 summer drinks with gin that will keep you cool this season

As the weather warms up and summer is just around the corner, it's time to start thinking about drinks! And if you're a fan of gin , we've got some great ideas for you. This gin lover's guide is full of easy, delicious cocktail recipes that are perfect for a summer evening . Whether you want something light or something fruity, these easy cocktails will brighten up summer evenings.

cocktail recipes

1.Gin Fizz

This classic cocktail is easy to make and super refreshing. Simply add 50ml gin, 25ml lemon juice, 15ml simple syrup and an egg white to a shaker filled with ice. Shake vigorously for 15 seconds, then strain into a glass filled with fresh ice. Top up the glass with club soda and garnish with a lemon slice if desired.

2. Gin Rickey

Popular since the late 19th century, this drink is one of the easiest cocktails to make with gin. Combine 50ml gin, 25ml lime juice and 15ml simple syrup in a glass filled with ice cubes or crushed ice. Top the glass with club soda and garnish with a lime wedge if desired.

summer drinks

3. Gin Sour

Another classic cocktail that's easy to make at home but tastes like it's made in a bar. Add 50ml gin, 25ml lemon juice, 20ml simple syrup, 10ml orange liqueur such as Grand Marnier or Cointreau (optional), and an egg white (optional) to a shaker filled with ice and shake vigorously for 15 seconds before straining over fresh ice into an old fashioned glass. Garnish with an orange twist or cherry, if desired.

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4 . Gin Bramble

A British favourite from London bars in the 1980s and still popular today! Add 50ml of gin, 10ml of fresh lemon juice and 10ml of crème de mure (blackberry liqueur) to a shaker and shake vigorously for 15 seconds before straining into an old fashioned glass filled with crushed ice (or regular ice cubes). Add two teaspoons of simple syrup before topping up with more crushed or cubed ice and garnish with two blackberries skewered on a skewer.

5. Gin & Tonic

This classic summer drink is so easy to make, you barely need any instructions! Half fill a highball glass with ice cubes (or fill it to the brim if you prefer), then pour in 50ml gin and 150ml tonic water and stir gently until well combined. Garnish the finished drink by squeezing half a lime slice before adding it to your drink!

gin and tonic

6. Mojito

A tropical treat! First, chop eight mint leaves in a shaker, then add 25 ml of white rum and 50 ml of gin, as well as 30 ml of freshly squeezed lime juice and shake vigorously for 20 seconds. The mojito is then rounded off by adding about 100 ml of soda water before being gently stirred and garnished with a slice of lime!

7.Gin Fix

A simple classic from mid-19th century America! First, add 25ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 30ml of simple syrup (or honey) and 50ml of gin to tall ice glasses filled with cubed or crushed ice and stir gently until well combined. Depending on how sweet you like your drinks, add more simple syrup/honey as needed and top off each ice glass with 100ml of club soda.

cocktail recipes

8. Gin & Tonic Slush

This classic cocktail gets an icy twist! Mix 350 ml of tonic water with 350 ml of gin in a blender. Add a handful of ice cubes and mix until smooth. Serve in glasses and garnish with an additional mint sprig.

9. Strawberry Basil Gin Fizz

To make this delicious concoction, combine 6 parts gin with 2 parts lemon juice and 1 part strawberry syrup in a shaker filled with ice cubes. Shake vigorously for 20-30 seconds, then pour into two glasses with fresh basil leaves. Top each glass with soda water and garnish with strawberry slices and basil leaves.

simple recipes

10. Cocktail with cucumber and lime

Pour 750ml of gin, 200ml of lime juice and 150ml of simple syrup into a pitcher filled with ice cubes and stir well. Thinly slice 2 cucumbers and gently press them to the rim of two glasses before filling them halfway with the cocktail mix. Top each glass with soda water, stir and garnish with another cucumber slice or a wedge of lime if desired.

11. Tropical Gin Sour

Pour 400ml gin, 3 tablespoons simple syrup, 60ml pineapple juice and 2 tablespoons lime juice into a shaker half filled with ice cubes and shake vigorously for 15-20 seconds. Strain the drink over fresh pineapple slices into four glasses and top each glass with carbonated soda water. Garnish each glass with an additional pineapple slice or cherry if desired.

summer drinks

Summer is all about enjoying time outdoors with family and friends - and what better way to do that than with some tasty cocktails? Gin has long been one of the most popular spirits around, and these 11 summer recipes show why - simple yet sophisticated flavors that everyone can enjoy at the table! Try them tonight while you relax on the patio after dinner, or while catching up with friends at the next barbecue. So grab your favorite bottle of gin , like Pacific and Lime , and get ready to whip up some delicious summer drinks! Whatever occasion you choose, these 11 summer recipes are sure to put a smile on your face!

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